Sunday, May 24, 2020

Personal Economic Decisions - 1455 Words

Running Head: Personal Economic Decisions Personal Economic Decisions How People Make Economic Decisions People make economic decisions on a daily basis, from choosing to go to the grocery store and cook dinner or going out to eat. While in the general scheme of things this is a relatively small decision to make it still can have impact on the economy. Yet a decision for a family to have a child is more of a major decision and has far more of an impact on the economy then a dinner decision. There are four basic principles to economic decision making and in the following I will list and explain these. I will also provide and an example of a decision that I have made in my personal experiences and what impact that has had or could have had†¦show more content†¦It is a definite tie in to the previous principle as most consumers are looking to get the most for the least. Restaurants are starting to use promotions of smaller portions for smaller prices in order to compete with the growing money saving tight budgeted crowd. Mankiw (2007) provides a great example of this by stating à ¢â‚¬Å"For example, when the price of an apple rises, people decide to eat more pears and fewer apples because the cost of buying an apple is higher. At the same time, apple orchards decide to hire more workers and harvest more apples because the benefit of selling an apple is also higher. As we will see, the effect of a good’s price on the behavior of buyers and sellers in a market—in this case, the market for apples—is crucial for understanding how the economy allocates scarce resources.† (p. 7) Personal Economic Decision When I made the decision recently to purchase a new car, I was forced to evaluate the cost versus the benefits in order to make the most economically sound decision I could. My current car at the time was costing a significant amount in repairs and due to the age of the car was not the most gas efficient car that I could have. The warranty of the car was just about up and it seemed that most of the issues I was having with the car at the time were not covered under warranty. The major plus of the car is that I did own the title, there was no car payment needed. The biggest cost comparison was the cost I was having with my currentShow MoreRelatedThe World Is Becoming More Complex Day By Day Essay1128 Words   |  5 Pagescomplex day by when we take any decision it must influences other factors. We take different policy or decision everyday by considering many sites or situation and which has a specific goal or vision. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Causes Of Poverty With Special Focus On India

Recently, a girl living in the Himalayas ended her life due to severe poverty. Poverty is one of the leading causes of death among people in developing countries. Poverty is defined by lack of the basic necessities to live such as food, water and shelter. Did you know over 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day, which is 43% of the world’s population i.e almost half (worldbank). Poverty is caused by a variety of things including overpopulation, lack of education, environmental degradation and economic factors. The following essay goes in depth on the various causes of poverty with special focus on India. Political influences in India such as income inequality, globalization, capitalism and corruption are major causes of poverty. Income inequality occurs when there is a big difference between the rich and poor. This occurs partially because of globalization because big companies like Wal-mart and Joe fresh have sweatshops located in India where they pay their workers very little for tough jobs accompanied with very poor working conditions. These wages are simply not enough for the workers, they are not able to put food on the table at the end of the day after putting so much effort into a job. The Guardian finds that more than 20% of India’s econmy depends on children which equals 55 million young individual under the age of 14. These third world countries are influenced by capitalist countries causing big corporations to make poor countries even poorer. TheseShow MoreRelatedDifferent Solutions to Poverty in Urban Areas1357 Words   |  6 PagesDifferent solutions to poverty in urban areas 1. Introduction: Poverty can be defined in two ways, which are absolute poverty and relative poverty. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Where to Find Help Term Paper Writing

Where to Find Help Term Paper Writing A great deal of prior Term Paper is needed by the student to compose the Term Paper properly. Term paper research methodology is quite critical for the students as a way to compose a high excellent term paper assignment that could fetch the high score. Term papers are long assignments which are usually offered at the launch of a semester or term and they're predicted to be due by the close of the semester when they ought to be submitted for evaluation. Writing Term Papers properly cannot be carried out in one day, it takes a good period of time and effort to compose a proper Term Paper. Term papers are demanding and most students wind up scoring bad grades because of numerous reasons. Students frequently don't find out how to increase their grades. As a result, they end up submitting low quality term papers that may even be plagiarized. Many students feel lost when it regards academic term papers. To begin with, your topic ought to be really narrow. Learn what terminologies are appropriate for your topic and learn to use them. After the topic is chosen, don't hesitate to go ahead! Your topic should attempt to reach a balance between interesting and effortless. If you take advantage of a source, don't hesitate to paraphrase it or make an in-text citation in agreement with the essential academic format. Research extensively and make sure that you have all of the relevant details. Get familiar with the topic and instructions to ensure that you understand what your instructor expects from you. Based on your topic you might want to depend on the scientific r eport style or literature review styles, or a mixture of the two. If you're thinking that you require someone to compose my essay at this time, you can just rely on our honest reviews. If you read plenty of books, it's terrific! There's no need to try to find a particular type of article. You have to look for the idea before you discover this, and before you search for it you have to compose some stuff. Apart from the job of writing term papers you may also seek the guidance of Singapore Assignment Help experts in different kinds of assignments too. Singapore Assignment Help will guide your perfectly for every form of assignment. So never neglect to look for support from these types of professionals of Singapore Assignment Help. Keep in mind your purpose is to get acquainted with the numerous facets of your problem. If you wish to write a distinctive research paper, you can't recycle research topics which were used by plenty of individuals. Though it wasn't created for a specific discipline, it's popular in philosophy and history. All our experts specialize in various disciplines. The Debate Over Help Term Paper Writing There are a number of internet guides which can help you format your paper perfectly. Your ending section shouldn't be difficult to write once the remainder of the paper is finished. If you produce a good outline for your term paper, you will see that the paper actually just writes itself. Don't hesitate to specify a personal deadline for the several phases of your paper. The Do's and Don'ts of Help Term Paper Writing Make certain you cite the source for each sentence you write. If you're not familiarized with a specific format, you can buy books on the format you will need to use. Last, make a reference list for those sources which you have cited in your paper. Make certain you write something associated with your term paper each day, even if it's only notes for the title. Life After Help Term Paper Writing Well if yo u're going to compose a thesis on sales a marketing, then here's what you shouldn't do to receive it right! It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to steer clear of low superior services. Our detailed term paper writing guide gives you tips that will help you to organize and prepare your work and achieve great academic outcomes. As a term paper is usually the end result of a term's worth of research, with any luck you'll have a very good assortment of notes and data available. What You Should Do to Find Out About Help Term Paper Writing Before You're Left Behind You could use the site for a resource, how interesting. For some of them you will require help, while others you're able to write all on your own. Most universities will provide you with an `athens' password that is a magical key unlocking thousands of research databases throughout the world. The APA style is quite popular in geography and company courses. Give it a chance and stick to the steps and you will notice how simple term paper writing can be! The coming of the paper must also hold the thesis statement and will need to get kept comprehensive yet concise. To write a correct term paper an individual will want to be patient and hardworking. The format you select for the research paper is dependent on your professor's requirements.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management of Obesity free essay sample

Taking this into consideration I have sourced my information with the use of secondary research methods, thus meaning the summary and synthesis of existing research already available to me via published articles, books and other relevant resources. As you will see as you read on the value of knowledge and evidence to professional practise is critical. The main reason why you need to base your professional practice on the best available evidence is explained by Aveyard and Sharp (2009, p6), â€Å" t enables us to deliver the best possible patient/client care rather than out of date practice’’. Aveyard and Sharp (2009, p7) goes on to say that â€Å"evidence based practice is practice that is supported by clear reasoning, taking into account the patient or clients preferences using your own judgement†. This description is backed up by Sackett et al (1996, p71-72) who described EBP as, â€Å"the conscientious, explicit and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patient/clients†. Gray (1997,p9) emphasized a focus on patient values describing EBP as , â€Å"an approach to decision making in which the clinician uses the best evidence available in consultation with the patient, to decide upon the option which suits the patient best. The NMC code of Conduct (2008) foregrounds the importance of evidence based practice in professional development and requires that all nurses should be accomplished in practicing evidence based care. After reading various journal articles and books on EBP I have discovered that it is about integrating individual clinical expertise, for example your own proficiency and expertise, along with the best external evidence and also taking in mind the best interests for the patient. It is of high importance to use current best evidence, according to Greenhalgh and Donald (2000) without current best evidence, â€Å"practise risks becoming rapidly out of date, to the detriment of the patients†. Ultimately EBP is the formalization of the care process that the best clinicians have practiced for generations. The contribution of EBP to clinical practice is the delivery of high quality, cost effective and quality care (Aveyard and Sharp, 2009). Challenges surrounding EBP are a nurses experience, for example new nurses may be a little anxious of their new surroundings and unable to utilize all their newly learnt skills. According to Ferguson and Day (2007), â€Å"access to evidence in nursing practice is often challenging due to time constraints, difficulties in interpreting the disparate research reports on particular issues, or lack of up-to-date print-based resources or Internet connections on nursing units†. The main tool applied during my research process was Library Gateway which can be accessed via Shu space. Library Gateway enables you to access a large number of information resources and search tools. The main resource I used is Library Search, which can find results from books, full text journals and many other sources, and return them in one integrated list. The other Gateway tools include Subject Guides, help pages for referencing, the Video, Images and Audio guide and a list of subject databases. Textbooks provide good background information and offer an excellent starting point for more in-depth research, the information provided is not normally rapidly changing and it must be remembered that it may be out of date. Journal articles contain current information and research. They provide detailed reports of the methodology and results of laboratory research, case series reports, clinical trials, program evaluation, and other kinds of research studies. Journal articles focus on finding solutions to specific health care problems. The Internet is not always the best place to look for professional-level information. While it can be easily searched and you get a lot of what you find in full-text, the quality of the health care information found can be questionable. It is important to look at trusted authorities online, however the internet can be useful for looking into a patient’s perspective, for example a patient may explain their worries and experiences in an online chat forum which is always an interesting insight. The tables that follow details the databases used and the search criteria applied. Each database offers a different value of evidence. It is important to consider the following factors when looking t text documents regardless whether it a book, journal, article or online.. Who wrote it, why it was written and when it was produced (SHU 2012). Once you have found a source that is deemed suitable it is then important to consider if the study was original, was the design of the study sensible, has systematic bias been avoided or minimised, was assessment ‘blind’, w ere preliminary statistical questions addressed (Greenhalgh, 2010). After summing up these points the methodological quality will have been accurately assessed and providing no flaws or faults are found it can be deemed accurate and reliable information. Table 1. Databases used; Database| Details| SHU Library Search| SHU Library Search searches for academic journal and newspaper articles, books,videos, maps and much more from a single search bar. It searches the SHU library catalogue, full text journals and other linked databases. It is limited to content subscribed to by SHU. | Internurse| Internurse is the online archive of peer reviewed nursing articles published by MA healthcare Ltd. It draws together articles from 13 high quality journals. | Table 2. Search Strategy; Database| Keywords| Rationale| Criteria| No. of results| Search terms used in Library Search and Internurse| Nurs* AND manag* AND obes*| The word nurse/nurses/nursing and manage/managing/management and obese/obesity| 2008 to 2012English languageNo country specified. Type of publication: Peer reviewed journals and books | 32| You can search as far back as 2004 using Inter-nurse. For the chosen subject area I decided to concentrate my research more specifically on more recent research as I found I was bombarded with information when I looked as far back as 2004. This has allowed me to look at more recent publications which I feel is highly important in a profession where health care routines are often being changed and improved. Once I had narrowed down the search I was able to pick journals, articles and books which I felt where most appropriate by reading the abstract to get a more in depth overview of what would be best for my topic. Obesity can lead to the onset of several complications, which with the intervention of nurses could be prevented, these complications are highlighted in appendix 2. Maggi Banning (2005) states that there is an ever increasing need for the evolvement of a nursing role as an obesity nurse specialist. She claims the nursing profession needs to step up and prepare for obesity management. The National Obesity Forum provides an ‘Obesity Care Pathway Toolkit’. It strengthens the need for the use of EBP by claiming weight management should ‘. be based on best evidence, where ever possible’. It also states the following, â€Å"It is essential that services be developed in consultation with the users and people who will be delivering them, working together as a multi-disciplinary group. Training on weight management control, healthy eating and increasing physical activity to health professionals is necessary to ensure consistent, accurate and up to date messages are given to patients at all times. Currently, very few NHS weight management services are monitored or audited, this will be a must in the future and needs to be built in at the planning stage. The feedback will result in improved services to patients. † Changes in eating habits and activity levels are thought to lie at the heart of obesity (Wadden et al, 2002). As a nurse will get to see their patients everyday it is the ideal opportunity for them to advise patients on healthy eating and provide encouragement for increased levels of activity. Drummond (2002) identified that communication between the nurse and patient is important as some patients may be self conscious or body-conscious. For example certain terms should be avoided such as ‘sport’ or ‘exercise’ which may have negative associations for patients, a higher level of activity and ‘avoiding sedentary pursuits should be emphasised’. Body weight is considered a sensitive issue for most people so it is vital that healthcare professionals handle the subject of weight loss with sensitivity. Crogan (2006) emphasized that it is important that nurses establish an open approach to communication when addressing issues relating to obesity. I feel a multi-component intervention would be the best way for nurses to manage obesity. It should include behaviour change strategies to increase peoples physical activity levels or to decrease inactivity levels, improve eating behaviour and the quality of the persons diet and aim to reduce energy intake. According to (Sheehan and Yin, 2006) nurses constitute a political force in health policy, because they are situated in a wide range of settings. This is backed up by Bennett 2007 who states, ‘Nurses in the primary care setting are uniquely placed to support patients to make the necessary changes’. Nurses need to have an understanding of the patients multiple needs and to collaborate with other members of the health team to discuss personalized holistic care issues. Chrystalleni and Christiana (2010) have recognised that â€Å"the aetiology of obesity is multi-factorial, and dietary factors that relate or are responsible for the development of obesity are complex and still not understood†. As they define development of obesity to not be understood I feel this is a large limitation and therefore requires constant comparison of current techniques used in managing obesity along with any current evidence that has arisen through trustworthy practice research. In conclusion, the role of a nurse in managing an obese patient should involve discussing the weight issues and the severity on the patient’s health. As supported by Green et al (2000) this will enable the nurse to gain insight into the magnitude of the problem and to negotiate realistic goals in terms of weight loss and to support and provide dietary advice which is acceptable for the individual. Nurses should consider each patient holistically and use appropriate language in order to encourage and not offend. As encouraged by the national obesity forum patient selection should be active rather than passive, with opportunistic screening rather than reliance exclusively on self-referral.